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Embracing technology to streamline process 



Our fleet portal already facilitates the below. This is not an exhaustive list and we are happy to discuss any additional requirements you may have:


  • Automated approvals and driver interface to apply to join a scheme, request quotations and place orders.


  • A suite of end user guidance documents ranging from taking your car abroad, accident & maintenance procedures to relevant information to assist in fuel type choice.


  • The client is able to integrate bespoke rules into the application, quotation and vehicle order process, allowing the client to set elements such as Co2 limits and insurance rules in the knowledge that these will be fully reportable and policed by the system.


  • Authorisers/drivers to be further assisted by email prompts when the process requires action on their part i.e. when quotations are close to expiry. Drivers are also able to view the status of their quotation/order at any given time.


  • The client’s authorisation structure to be embedded into the portal ensuring both applications to join the scheme/vehicle selection approvals are authorised by the correct personnel


  • Automated payroll and P46 notifications sent to client nominated personnel upon vehicle delivery/collection, further supported by the system’s capacity to produce both automated and bespoke reports, for further information on MI/Reporting please click here.

We have developed an online web based portal which provides an interface for drivers, authorisers, and us to assist in managing the process and procedures from a driver registering to join a scheme right through to the delivery of the vehicle. The portal then assists ongoing management of the vehicle throughout the lease cycle to the point of return.


Given the vast range of vehicle choice and evolving changes in technology the portal has been specifically designed to compliment streamlined processes with our people based advisory service. This means that a driver is not required to spend hours searching a web portal for a best fit vehicle unassisted and is able to take advantage of our staff’s considerable knowledge of the market and current pricing to reduce the amount of research they need to undertake.


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