Getting the best fit vehicle at the best price
Scheme application
Users may join their employer specific lease car scheme via the our portal, which accommodates the policy, eligibility and approval requirements of the client. Our portal provides a number of client specific documents such as terms and conditions, Q & A’s, policies and guidance to assist them through the application process.
Vehicle advice/selection
As experts in our field we understand the range and specification of vehicles available. Due to the ever changing pricing from leasing companies and manufacturers we offer a criteria based quotation system allowing drivers to request quotes based on the aspects that are important to them and a budget in which they need to achieve for their best fit vehicle.
If a driver has a clear and fixed idea of the vehicle they want a quotation on they can submit this request on a specific make and model basis. We may also send through additional quotations if we consider the driver is missing out on a great deal on a similar, better priced vehicle.
For further details on our advisory services please click here
Our typical quotation return time frame is within 24 hours and drivers are advised by email when these quotations are available to view on the fleet portal and close to expiry.