Pool Cars
Key Features:
The drivers conducts only business mileage in the vehicle.
The vehicle is made available to multiple drivers.
The employer pays all the cost of the lease vehicle.
The vehicle may be modified to meet the specific business need (e.g. wheel chair access)
VAT charged on the vehicle will be recoverable
A vehicle is typically leased for a 3-5 year period on a fully maintained basis.
The contractual arrangement for the vehicle is between the leasing company and the employer.
The employer will insure the leased vehicle on a fleet policy in order that they can be assured their liability for the asset is covered and in their control.
The vehicle may be exempt from road fund licence if it is being used to transport disabled passengers.
Livery may be added to the vehicle however must be removed prior to vehicle return.
The employer is liable for any costs associated with insurance excess, damage identified at collection, excess mileage and maintenance recharges not covered within the lease maintenance package.
Policy & Management:
Management of pool vehicle availability, collection and return can be managed in house or can be managed via pool car technology embedded within the vehicle. The latter coming at a significant increase to the cost of the vehicle.
All drivers permitted to use a pool vehicle need to be verified to ensure they hold the appropriate licences to do so and have received the relevant training to effectively operate the vehicle.
Effective management of availability and location is key to minimising down time and maximising value for money.
Return checks of the vehicle need to be conducted to ensure it remains roadworthy and any damage is identified.
Driver use logs need to be retained for the purposes of identifying drivers and responding to speeding or parking fines.
It is advisable for drivers to sign up to a policy which clearly states the expectations and rules associated with driving a pool vehicle to include as a minimum:
Requirement to drive within the speed limit.
Requirement to park legally.
Requirement to advise their employer if they incur any penalty points on their licence.
Not to use a mobile phone whilst driving.
Requirement to advise their employer if their health and, or medication impacts their ability to drive.
To report any accidents promptly and record details of the incident including any 3rd party details.
To report any damage to the vehicle promptly.
To report any concerns regarding the operation of the vehicle promptly.