I have a growing or significant mobile workforce who need a car to perform their job
Put a lease scheme in place to provide a vehicle for both business and private use, for further information on our employer subsidised lease car scheme for business users Click Here & salary sacrifice lease car scheme Click Here.
Put a pool car scheme in place to provide a vehicle for business only use Click Here.
Put the appropriate checks in place to ensure workers using their own vehicle fulfil the appropriate licence, insurance & vehicle requirements for further information on owner driver duty of care Click here.
I want to reduce the cost of business travel and/or lease cars within the organisation
Put a lease car scheme in place which has an apportionment of private and business vehicle lease cost equal to (or less than) mileage that would be expensed in their own vehicle for further information on our employer subsidised Lease car scheme Click Here.
Put a policy and process in place which monitors business mileage undertaken versus estimated and realign apportionment of cost accordingly either midway or at the end of the lease agreement.
Put a policy in place which requires workers to take a more cost effective lease car option or expense mileage at a lower rate if they elect not to take this option.
Put a policy in place to ensure clear understanding of additional costs such as maintenance not covered and recharged, damage at end of lease and early termination charges.
Creation of a contingency fund to cover unexpected and or unrecoverable charges associated with a scheme to be funded as part of monthly driver contributions.
Source lease cars using a broad range of providers to ensure best price, for further information on independent fleet management Click Here.
I want to control the Co2 profile for business mileage
Reducing the amount of drivers who use their own vehicles for business and incentivising the use of a lease car scheme will result in drivers selecting newer and therefore typically lower Co2 emitting vehicles. The current benefit in kind calculation will also provide a financial incentive to make this choice for the driver. When a driver uses their own vehicle for business your organisation loses control of what type of vehicle they may use and as such have no ability to manage the Co2 profile beyond the amount of miles conducted.
The best means of controlling the vehicle choice for performing business mileage is to put a lease scheme in place for business users. This will allow you to then deploy one or all of the following measures:
- Employ a Co2 cap on vehicles available on the scheme.
- Factor in a Co2 levy to drivers wishing to choose vehicles with a higher Co2 emission.
As a public sector organisation you are able to access considerable discounts from both vehicle manufacturers and leasing companies, Click Here for further information on Crown Commercial Services framework RM3710 . It is possible to develop a scheme which will pass on some or all of the benefit of these discounts to your staff. For further information on our salary sacrifice lease car scheme Click Here & non subsidised lease car scheme for private users Click Here.
As lease contracts usually span 3 years and have a financially penalty associated with early termination this can be an effective staff retention tool.
I want to offer a staff benefit to assist in staff retention and recruitment
I want to minimize the financial risk to the organisation associated with running a lease car scheme
Review how you are calculating the overall cost to the driver by way of monthly contributions to ensure it covers all costs associated with the scheme.
Creation of a contingency fund to cover unexpected and or unrecoverable charges associated with a scheme to be funded as part of monthly driver contributions.
Put a policy in place to ensure additional charges outside of your control are passed onto drivers (E.g. changes to VAT, RFL, insurance rates).
Put a policy in place to ensure clear understanding of additional costs such as maintenance not covered and recharged, damage at end of lease and early termination charges.
I want to ensure the organisations duty of care regarding mobile workers and the vehicle they drive are covered
Put a process in place to ensure the processing of lease car orders includes driving licence verification.
Put a policy in place to ensure the lease car driver agrees to inform the fleet management company or organisation of any convictions or changes to driver health which may affect their ability to drive incurred during the period of the lease.
Reducing your mobile workers who use your their own car will achieve greater control over the duty of care required however it is likely you will still have some drivers who continue to use their own vehicle. For more information on owner driver duty of care Click Here, for this group of workers there are the following option
- Put a process in place to verify driving licences are compliant.
- Put a process in place to verify mobile workers have the correct insurance in place including business insurance cover.
- Put a process in place to verify mobile workers are using a vehicle which has a valid MOT and as such is considered roadworthy.
A salary sacrifice lease car scheme has the potential to generate employers national Insurance and pension contribution savings (see salary sacrifice scheme)
Any type of lease car scheme may generate an employer national Insurance contribution liability for the provision on a benefit in kind. It is therefore important that any scheme design ensures this liability is accounted for.
I want to make payroll savings
I want to run a scheme which provides the least amount of administration and management for the organisation
Engaging a fleet management company to administer your scheme and ongoing fleet creates the least amount of administration and management for the organisation For further information on independent fleet management Click Here.
When selecting a fleet management company there are varying degrees of service offered and this should therefore be considered in your choice, For further information see why choose Fleetcare, Why choose an independent fleet management company & our services page.
Time spent when setting up a scheme and implementation of supporting technology solutions is an investment which will result in reduced time spent on the continued management of the scheme, For more information on our fleet management portal Click Here.